Friday, September 23, 2011


Bad Habits die hard.
In my case, they don’t die at all.
Instead they keep diverging from the equilibrium.
Almost like a spider which decides to spin a bigger, more complex web.

People have all kinds of habits.
Some drink. Others smoke, none of which is easy to kick.
Some play. And some enjoy gambling.
Some just flirt. But some believe in Killing.
Some eat chocolates. Some exercise all day long.
Some never take a bath. Some are always worried about their appearance.

And what do I do?
I check the world on the web!!!
And read blogs.

And if it wasn’t enough, go and post comments on them.
Almost as if people were dying for my words of wisdom.
Sometimes though, I end up crossing the fine line of privacy.

For instance, 

Two days back, I was surfing the net again (as I usually do) and came across a certain post in a certain blog…the post was a one-liner :

“I love you and will always love you…. I am feeling you around me!!!
Only Urs

I suppose he had written it for his wife or lover, depending on whether he was married or not. Sweet! As expected, I couldn’t stop myself from commenting. And this was my reply –

“We (“readers”) are totally not “gossipmongers” and would love to read about your lady love :-D ”

To which the blogger didn’t reply. He did reply to my other equally obnoxious comment though. 

Seriously, I am a compulsive commenter!!!!

What made me write such a stupid comment is not exactly anybody’s guess. In hindsight, I think it might have had something to do with the fact that initially I thought I knew the blogger and then much later, realized that I didn’t know him at all and so…so, it was safe to write anything? Was I taking the advantage of anonymity? And what’s the deal with peeping into personal lives of people I do not know? People appreciate comments but not intrusion. To think about it now, it’s a bit embarrassing. But was I really intruding?

Has blogging and commenting become a habit with me? Not really, I don’t do it all the time.

Is my addiction "the web", "browsing" or "blogging"? Or is it all of them?

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