Sunday, September 4, 2011

Big Sad Face :-(

I had no idea about Siberian huskies till I saw a video of a dog called Kaiser, some three years back. Since then, Siberian husky has been one of my favourite dogs. Infact if I was staying uphill, in a cold place and had the time and space to keep a dog, it would definately have been a Husky.

Huskies aren't exactly the obedient kinds and it takes a lot to train them. Even if you have trained them, it is highly unlikely that they would like to please people. Unlike  Labradors, they are very independent but just like them, they are very affectionate too. They are highly intelligent and stubborn dogs. Plus they shed enormous amount of hair. So, if one wants to keep a husky then all this should be kept in mind.

But they are lovable.I know every dog is but Kaiser was a class apart...

Kaiser was just 6 years old and had cancer. 
If I miss Kaiser's video's and am sad at the thought of never seeing any more of them, imagine what the owner would be going through. To have a dog and lose him is terrible and if its someone like Kaiser...

May Kaiser's soul R.I.P.

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