Monday, January 24, 2011

Coconut Sweets


(1) Two freshly grated Coconuts
(2) One litre full- cream milk
(3) Sugar - a little less than half the quantity of grated coconut
(4) 4/5 crushed green cardamom seeds/ cardamom powder.

Put the milk on low flame and keep stirring till it reduces to half its original quantity. After this add the freshly grated coconut in it and keep stirring continuously. Need to be cautious since the mixture has the tendency to get burnt at the bottom if not stirred continuously. Since coconut releases a lot of oil anyways, there is no need to add any ghee/butter/oil in this preparation.

After 10 minutes add sugar and keep stirring till it turns light brown. Take a bit of this cooked/fried coconut mixture in hand. If it is sticky enough and you can make balls out of it, then it is ready. If not, then the sugar hasn't dissolved yet and you need to keep stirring.

Sometimes, even after constant stirring the mixture doesn't stick and you can't make balls out of it. This happens if you have over heated or kept the mix on the oven for too long. This often happens when the sugar dries up completely. In this case add more milk to the mixture and keep stirring till the mixture becomes sticky.

Finally, make little sweet balls and eat them :-)

Note - The following can also be made using jaggery instead of sugar. Those are a little darker in colour and taste different - a lot more sweeter.